
Posts Tagged ‘Conditions of Man’

The Invalid

I hadn’t paid my dues

To grace my betters

With treasure’s metric

Though, I had paid them

With penultimate price

A life nearing ruin

Inestimable the cost

Immeasurable the sacrifice

That no gleaming treasures

Pleasures Metric/Imperial

Can possibly measure.

Cheung-Ling Wong

The Marrow of Morrow

Bare-to-the-bone humanity

None of the layers dense

Social reams suffocate

Lies and expectations

For true believers – decievers

Superfluous mind control

I thrive on my marrow alone

To see me through-to morrow.

Cheung-Ling Wong


Punishing is learning

Arduous is its journey

Though, not punishment per se

It’s all in the execution

Yet if we fail to learn at all

A punishment it becomes

Inflicted upon ourselves

Though, not of pain per se

But for learning’s reward

We could have earned.

Cheung-Ling Wong

Pulling the Plug

Building upon insecure foundations

Gilding one’s cherished but doubtful ego

Is all but wasted time and squandered gold

Time and treasure flow away like water

Leaving behind compelling legacies:

Dust and waste at bottom of vanity

Or enduring masterpiece sparkling clean.

Cheung-Ling Wong


We’re enthralled

By your power,

Scythed for love

Handsome flower;

Caught by eye

Within our storm,

First be-felled,

Tall trees with form;

Beauty’s life

Always be claimed,

Plucked and ravaged

Sweetest game,

When consumed

Its virtues maimed,

Yet never did

Lend its name;

Goodness hungered

Where there’s none,

For beauty’s made

Never won.

Cheung-Ling Wong