
Holding On

To fight − or fly and flee

Nowhere is there sanctuary

Oh, why can’t I just be

Than being nowhere and unseen!

Am I an enemy of your existence?

Somebody’s existential crisis

Yet, what about my own?

I’m here and present!

And I’m trying to hold on

Holding on tight to here and now

In essence and of presence

To fight − or fly and flee

Nowhere is there sanctuary

Oh, why can’t I just be!

Than being nowhere and unseen

Are they fearful of my shadow?

Well, surround me with your light and love

That I may never cast a conspiracy of shade

Quiz and grill me thorough and through

Why would I ever lie to them and you?

All I want is − to be, to be

To be genuine, to be true!

Cheung-Ling Wong

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