Archive for the ‘Poems’ Category
Sometimes happiness is too difficult
At times near impossible
So fleeting is its fickle smile
But I will not suffer its vagaries
I’ll settle for, in consolation
Wisdom and harsh lessons earnt
And to be at peace with it all
It’s not so bad a prize offered
It’s for keeps, seared in and burnt
And if I am in any way consoled
So much better in gratitude, I’ll be
Than with any happiness proffered.
Cheung-Ling Wong
Beaten and broken
Smashed and bashed
Such was my treatment
Yet, the brute saw it as good
A necessary procedure
All for his twisted sake
Pleasure and satisfaction
As if I was an empty bottle
Watch the glass explode!
Sparkling, effervescent
Watching me burst into tears!
Or, was that Champagne?
Oh, so much more joy
We all could have had
Had we celebrated
Each other’s lives instead.
Cheung-Ling Wong
Discover how to love
And you’ll never be sad
Or be miserable about yourself
For the wonders, you feel
And the beauty you see
That now makes you.
Cheung-Ling Wong
The gold of our blood
The silver of our tears
Spilt like fine wine
On the altars of Mars
That rich men may profit
When they bay for war
Or call in the hounds
To pursue our debts
Those foolish enough
To take the allure
And become the bait
Over which usury drools
And render ourselves, slaves
To their eternal hunger
Not even the planet earth
Or our lives we prepare
Is banquet rich enough
What have we unleashed?
Cheung-Ling Wong
You have defeated yourself
With your self-obsessions
Own issues and feelings
Heavily seasoned with MSG
Your screaming feedback loops
Your sensational tabloid spreads
Cannot escape your madness
The noise, the stench, the glare!
Frenzied tornados of the mind
You’ve blown yourself up into pieces
From what was once only a breeze.
Cheung-Ling Wong
To have purchase
Some say you need money
I say you need reality
And life can be a steal
Without it being stolen
Nor drive a hard bargain
It is there for the taking!
By giving it some thought
In exchange for, purchase.
Cheung-Ling Wong
I am both trash and treasure
But it all depends on how you measure
Long ago, so used and abused
Yet, little did they gain from me
Discarded and forgotten but not forlorn
It’s all about understanding me
I’m a complicated formula
A Nobel prize waiting to be won
A gem if you can share my vibe
They say I’m not up to their measure
Or maybe I’m yet to meet that genius
Who, within me can eye a great treasure.
Cheung-Ling Wong
Much there is to be angry about
Looking about the world around
Seems to be the only emotion found
Need we all add to the pervading mood?
Anger: much as despair, is suffering too
And if anger be fully expressed through
As that of despair in its depths do
Death be the only course both wend
And evil that stoked the flames ─ send
Will claim not just lives ─ but victory!
But what the devil cannot abide
And has him grovel without pride
Is, where all-conquering forgiveness bid go
Affected and moved, yes, suffered ─ no
Not anger, but grace and compassion sued
A most knowing and impassioned mood.
Cheung-Ling Wong
Crushed by decades of violence and storming
Buffeted by banshees of vitriol and spite
Reducing my life to smouldering ruins and waste
Yet, there is still hope amidst my scattered rubble
I can still push wildflowers to gladden any poet.
Cheung-Ling Wong
Though, the seasons are in reverse
The earth is the earth and the sky the sky
Despite being torn, wrenched and uprooted
And memories of homelands run deep
We must leave our troubled fields far behind
And bid them long fallow and goodbyes
Along with our history, culture and their bones
To break and plough new grounds afar
At the other end of this wide, wide world
And transplant our hopes into new fields
Of unfamiliar soils, smells and sounds
Sowing the precious seeds of our souls
That, we may all partake in abundant harvest
The richness of our humanity to share
The earth is the earth and the sky the sky
And humanity is humanity no matter where
The epic, epic story of our one great family!
Cheung-Ling Wong